The Program helps the social and economic development of the province of Ourense, the knowledge of its reality, as well as the specialization of the Ourense Campus – Campus Auga. Its purpose is to finance projects of interest, whose themes are related to the socioeconomic areas characteristic of the province, such as agriculture and livestock, comprehensive management and use of water resources, tourism, or those others that justify suitably its connection with the spirit of the Program and with the specialization of the Campus Auga.
In order to guarantee collaboration between the different areas of knowledge that make up the specialization focus of Campus Auga, the funded projects must consist of a coordinated proposal made up of at least two subprojects, and at least the participation of two areas of knowledge, regardless of the number of subprojects that comprise it. Each of these will have assigned a principal investigator plus another person in coordination.
Publications of funded projects
INOU Projects 2022
- Implicacións ambientais, agrícolas e económicas do uso de nanoagroquímicos cara a unha produción alimentaria sostible de Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.
- A produción de plásticos na provincia de Ourense: estudo da súa situación e posibles actuacións estratéxicas
- Control de procesos estatísticos remotos nas contornas rurais. Unha proposta de transmisión e plataforma de simulación
- Avaliación da viabilidade da utilización de UAV para determinar o posicionamento de ximnastas en competicións e en educación deportiva
- Desenvolvemento de procesos para o aproveitamento e a valorización de podas da oliveira dentro dun contexto de biorrefinaría multiproduto
- Recuperación e avaliación dos compostos fenólicos das podas das oliveiras autóctonas galegas
INOU Projects 2021
- Alternativas de aloxamento turístico na provincia de Ourense: análise da evolución recente da oferta e dos novos patróns de conduta da demanda nun contexto de irrupción do fenómeno das vivendas de uso turístico
- Análise estatística do mercado de aloxamento turístico da provincia de Ourense dende unha nova perspectiva: a análise de datos composicionais
- Detección automática de momentos de risco alérxico da poboación ourensá
- Estudo do padrón de comportamento dos e das adolescentes ourensáns en relación co uso dos videoxogos
- Evolución histórica da implantación dos videoxogos na sociedade ourensá dende os anos oitenta ata a actualidade
- A escola que teño, a escola que quero. Un achegamento ás prácticas educativas e ás necesidades nos CRA de Ourense
- Facer visible o invisible: habilidades para aprender dos e das escolares nos colexios rurais agrupados de Ourense
- A represión económica na provincia de Ourense: unha aproximación a partir dos expedientes de responsabilidades civís e políticas
- Dos lugares da represión franquista en Ourense: cara a unha cultura do recordo
INOU Projects 2020
Table of contents
- Creation of a virtual environment for the heritage interpretation of sites with schematic cave painting in the Monterrey region
- Ethnographic study of the Penedo Gordo cave art site and design of interpretive evaluation tools
- Socio-educational intervention for a safe use of social networks in adolescence: AppDIXITOU
- AppDIXITOU: educational mobile game with which adolescents are made aware of the proper use of social networks
- Use and recovery of vine pruning remains to obtain “base compounds” useful for the synthesis of chemical products of industrial interest and biofuels
- Recovery of bioactive compounds from vine pruning through the use of intelligent solvents
- Diagnosis of the level of congruence in the wine tourism offer of the province of Ourense
- Extraction and preprocessing of opinions about the wine tourism sector in the province of Ourense
INOU Projects 2019
Table of contents
- Composite indicator for assessing the sustainable tourism performance of protected natural areas (ENP) in the province of Ourense
- Analysis of floods in the archaeological site of Aquis Querquennis
- Documentation, delimitation, state of conservation and scientific and heritage assessment of the archaeological site of Aquis Querquennis (Baños de Bande, Ourense)
- Socioeconomic impact of the Roman camp Aquis Querquennis
- Arithmetic profiles in elementary school
- Technological solution for PREVIN-MAT
- Development of tools to support quality and continuous improvement in the hotel sector in Ourense
- Optimize the indicators of economic circularity by including corrective factors that do not penalize the agri-food sector in the province of Ourense
- Establishment of material balances in the agri-food sector of the province of Ourense in order to optimize the material circularity indicators